Would you like to make a booking?
All the information that you need is on this page.
Availability and Hire Costs
The Hall is available all year round:
Monday to Friday 8:00am to 11:30pm
Saturday 8:00am to 12 midnight
Sunday 8:00am to 10:30pm.
The standard rate for hire of the Hall is £25 per hour.
Those within the Parish of Wookey will be charged £20 per hour.
Special rates exist for regular Club and Society users.
These rates have been held at the same level as last year.
Weekend Children's parties (to age 10)
Saturdays - 9.00am to 1:30pm OR 2:00pm to 6:30pm
Sundays - 9.00am to 1:30pm
There is a special fixed rate for booking one of these children's party slots.
Standard fixed party rate £55
Parish fixed party rate £45
These party slots are now longer, by popular request, to enable enough time for set up/cleaning
before and after the party itself.
Of course it is possible to book a shorter or longer time than this, but this would be charged at the usual hourly rate.
Are you unsure whether you live in the parish of Wookey? Click here to see a map of the parish.
How to make a booking
Unsure of what facilities the hall can offer? Click here for our Quick Reference guide.
Fuller details and frequently asked questions are available here.
When you make a booking please state the total time that you need the hall i.e. include your set up and clear up time at each end of your event.
If this is the first time you have made a booking with Henton Village Hall using the Hallmaster system, click here for the user guide.
To make a booking, you will need to agree to the hall's terms and conditions. You can read them here: Terms and Conditions.
You should also be aware of the Fire Emergency Plan, which you can read here.
To make a booking click here